Vogtland and Saxony Photos

Places and Landmarks

A Bit More About Vogtland and Saxony

Just so you know where to find Vogtland and the location of some of my photos, here is a brief summary of “Bundesland Sachsen”, or Saxony in English. Saxony, located in eastern Germany, is a region known for its rich history, cultural heritage, and scenic landscapes.

The most important cities in Saxony are Dresden, Leipzig and Chemnitz. Saxony borders both the Czech Republic and Poland. Saxony has a rich musical heritage with famous composers like Bach, Wagner, and Mendelssohn having strong ties to the region.

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Isle of Islay Nederlands

Ik heb een sectie van de website gewijd aan Islay, op z'n Nederlands. Ik heb er zes jaar gewoond en ik hoop dat ik kan bijdragen aan jouw eventuele Islay trip. Aarzel vooral niet om te schrijven!

De volgende Islay Pagina's zijnklaar: Isle of Islay Start - Whisky en Turf - Port Charlotte - Port Ellen - Bowmore - Fauna