Ron's Places and Pictures

Photos from the places I live(d) and love(d)
Contact Me Here

Hi, And Welcome

Hi, and welcome to my Places and Pictures website. I’m not a world traveller but at the same time I never seem to stick around for too long somewhere. Moved countries a couple of times back and forth, from The Netherlands to Germany, then to Scotland, the Isle of Islay and back again. Now living in the East of Germany, the former GDR.

It was fun to switch countries within Europe and I learned a lot from people with a totally different way of life from what I knew. And as my camera and iPhone were never far I have lots of pictures to show you. If you think my photos are any good and are interested in a print, or just want to chat, please send me an email, I always look forward to hearing from folk who visit the site.

Netherlands – Bollenstreek – Berlin – Isle of Islay – Vogtland – Scotland – De Zilk – Leipzig – Glasgow – Erfurt – Collieston – Germany – Hebrides – Chemnitz – Sinai – IJmuiden – Port Charlotte

Places and Pictures

Below is the beginning to my many galleries of photos. I’ll start in the area where I grew up, De Bollenstreek in the Netherlands. A stunning area, especially in Spring when the fields with Tulips and other flowers show their colors. From there it’s mostly Scotland, in particular the Isle of Islay, Germany with its many beautiful cities such as Berlin, Leipzig and Erfurt and some other places I’ve spent time in.

Work in Progress

Most links to the galleries do not function as I’m working on the galleries just now. I hope to have them live soon. Please check back. Thanks!
Netherlands, Vogtland and Saxony and Isle of Islay Galleries are online

Netherlands Flower Fields and Dunes


Netherlands Flower Fields and Dunes
View Gallery

Isle of Islay Scotland


Isle of Islay Scotland
View Gallery



View Gallery

Vogtland & Saxony


Vogtland & Saxony
View Gallery

German Cities


German Cities
View Gallery

Landscapes & Other


Landscapes & Other
View Gallery

Social Media

BlueSky is a Twitter like Social Media platform. It's relatively new and still very friendly so I choose it to post updates and (recent) photos.

You don't need an account to see the updates, you do need one if you want to comment/like or post yourself.


Isle of Islay Nederlands

Ik heb een sectie van de website gewijd aan Islay, op z'n Nederlands. Ik heb er zes jaar gewoond en ik hoop dat ik kan bijdragen aan jouw eventuele Islay trip. Aarzel vooral niet om te schrijven!

De volgende Islay Pagina's zijnklaar: Isle of Islay Start - Whisky en Turf - Port Charlotte - Port Ellen - Bowmore - Fauna